Title: Bouquets
Goal: Create a western style bouquet. These are typically used in weddings by the bride and her court.
- Ribbon (If you buy it by the yard, get at least 1 yard.)
- Green floral Tape
- Craft Glue
Botanical Materials:
Flowers – Get a large mixed bunch at the grocery store. Typically these bunches will have greens included. Go ahead and use those. If you want different greens, well go ahead.
Flowers note: Many florists buy their roses and flowers for weddings in advance. That way on the day of the flowers are completely open. Remember that these flowers only have to live a few hours, but will be without water for a good portion of the day.
Other Note: Bouquets come in all flavors. There are some that use fruits and vegetables, traditional rose, english garden (sort of wild child), avant garde. Materials can include beads, ribbon, butterflies, birds, and other floral accents.
Really the best prep for doing bouquets for a friends wedding is to do a variety of themed arrangements. Getting used to thinking about material prep is a really good way to take your bouquets to the next level.
Consider allergies
Consider smell
Aim to have flowers at peak open